Accreditation InformationIMG_4935

FBC is accredited and or approved by the following organizations:

  • World Wide Accreditation
  • Certified learning center for the Association of Scriptural Psychology Therapists (ASPT).
  • Affiliated with the International Accreditation through Visions International and the American Mission Team (AMT).
  • Faith Bible College is the regional office for AMT. and ASPT.
  • Faith Bible College is a Federal Non-Profit 501 C3 Corporation
  • We are Incorporated in the State of Missouri
  • Faith Bible College is currently in affiliation with the Oral Roberts University Educational Fellowship Program
  • We are recognized through Accelerated Christian Education (A.C.E) with our high school program.

Campus and Extension Campuses

FBC’s main campus is in Independence, Missouri, USA.  Extension Campuses are also located elsewhere in the United States. There are International Colleges in Durbin, South Africa, the Philippines, Mexico, and many other countries. All are Internationally Accredited. (See Extensions Page!)